
Come and Visit Us This Week
And Meet New People

Our gathering for worship on Sunday morning begins at 9:00 a.m. In a blended style of worship we praise the Lord through music using hymns and contemporary songs, Scripture readings, prayer and a message from God's Word. There is an attended nursery for infants and young children during the worship service.

Once a month, on the first Sunday, we gather around the Lord's Table to share in the sacrament of communion, and all believers in Jesus Christ are invited to the table.

Four times a year we take our church "on the road" to local nursing homes to join with the residents in Sunday morning worship. Please see "Events at CCC" for the times and places.

Sunday School - "Connections"

During the school year everyone is invited to attend "Connections" for adults, youth and children for Christian formation and fellowship. These classes begin at 10:15 a.m. They are age appropriate and discussion oriented with the Bible as the basic source for learning and growth.
On communion Sunday, everyone is encouraged to stay for an extended time of conversation and fellowship with some light refreshments in the church foyer. On occasion everyone is invited to continue these connections over a meal in a nearby restaurant.

Small Groups

There are a number of small groups that meet at various times during the week for Bible study, prayer and Christian fellowship. Everyone is encouraged to be a part of a small group for support and encouragement. For more information about being a part of a small group, please talk with the pastor or one of the deacons after a Sunday morning worship service.

Our Mission as Sunday Morning Worship